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Four steps to your successful retail media project


RTM Goals and Objectives definition

In a first step, we sit with together you, gather input and assess the overall retail media maturity by conducting a workshop with stakeholders, and actively define specific commercial goals and objectives for the project to ensure that the solution is tailored to meet your business's needs and performance targets.


Develop a high-level solution design.

The next step is to create a high-level solution design by outlining key components and features of the retail media solution, utilizing the AdProduct Matrix to establish structured documentation of new offerings, identify and qualify any technical or logistical challenges, and address them as early as possible in the project.


Conduct a make or buy analysis.

The next step to conduct a make or buy analysis to determine whether it is more feasible to build the retail media solution or to purchase a existing solution from a vendor. This analysis will consider factors such as cost, technical expertise, and available resources, as well as any potential risks or benefits associated with each option.


Implement / Integration and early live support

Finally we implement or integrate the retail media solution into any existing retail platform, work closely with your IT department to ensure proper integration and resolve any technical issues. Of course we also provide intensive early life support in order to maximize the positive commercial impact of the new solution.


When our SEO performance slipped, verkstedt helped us break up our dated monolith, set up data interfaces, and designed and implemented a modern front-end application for us. Today, Shop Apotheke’s SEO ranking is better than ever.

Bernhard Spielmann, Chief Product Officer at Shop Apotheke Europe

verkstedt successfully provided our team with fresh ideas and prototypes for the gradual migration of the front-end application, which persistently shaped the modern experience of Quentic SaaS solution.

Hardy Menzel, Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer of Quentic

With the verkstedt chatbot, we are able to serve our large customer base immediately 24 hours a day and refer them to a customer service representative when needed. Our customers and I love the flexibility and convenience.

René Bochynek, Executive Director, Pharma, Non-Pharma & CX at Shop Apotheke Europe

verkstedt truly understands our business and creates value for our customers, resulting in increased purchase frequency and brand loyalty. Their software empowers our team to be more productive, creating additional touchpoints and maximizing value.

Martin Möller, CEO at Design Bestseller

Way ahead of schedule, verkstedt delivered a full scale Retail Media Infrastructure that exceeded our expectations by far.

Dennis Götze, Director, Retail Media at Shop Apotheke Europe

verkstedt developed a flexible and extremely scalable data collection solution for us, that our developers were able to seamlessly integrate right into their processes and build upon.

Dominique Ziegelmayer, CEO at DatamedIQ

I have nothing but high praise for Alexander and his team. With their flexible, yet reliable way of working, verkstedt helped us make our revolutionary new way of presenting journalism ready for prime time. We were able to deliver Scrollys in high load environments even during the early stage of the development! verkstedt has been an integral part of our success story. Thank you for all you have done for us so far! Let’s keep up the great work!

Benedikt Holtappels, Co-Founder and CEO of Scrollytelling

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Stay up-to-date with the latest strategies and trends in Retail Media. From dynamic pricing to ad integration, explore how e-commerce platforms can optimize performance and drive profitability.

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Hello! 👋 Nice to meet you. I’m Nana Lohmanns, founder & CEO and would love to help you out!